• Anaerkil Toplum Düzeni ve Seramik Sanatına Yansımaları 

      Kilit, Canan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2024)
      The thesis report examined at the matriarchy center included examinations and research on ceramic art through the concepts of woman and mother. In Anatolia, the matriarchal lifestyle and the mother goddess cult include ...
    • Çağdaş Seramik Sanatında Seyir Nesnesi Olarak Kadın 

      Eker Aktaş, Havva (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)
      This study, which touches on the place and position of women in society from past to present, deals with women as both a consuming and a consumed object. The body, which has been transformed into an object of consumption, ...
    • Çizgi Romanlarda Kadın Karakterlerin Nesneleştirilmesi Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir İnceleme ve Bir Çizgi Roman Uygulaması 

      Derdiyok, Rukiye (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019)
      In the comic book, book and film scripts, female characters were criticized for writing in a feminist manner in accordance with the taste of the male viewer. In comics, female characters have always been at the forefront ...
    • Dezavantajlı Alanlarda Farkındalık Yaratıcı Bir Unsur Olarak Animasyonun Kullanımı ve Bir Kısa Film Uygulaması 

      Karaman Cengiz, Cansu (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Although disadvantaged areas are subject that has been studied in many interdisciplinary fields, the literature that produced in the field of fine arts is not frequently encountered. However, both in the campaign processes ...
    • Ekofeminizm Bağlamında Toplumsal Cinsiyet Psikolojisinin Görsel Sanatlardaki Yorumlamaları 

      Suğür, Bengisu (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2020)
      Presently people waver between trying to exist within the society and abiding by the rules that have to be obeyed in order to keep their living conditions above average. Particularly women have been trying to manage an ...
    • Fragmanlaşan Kadın Bedeni ve Seramik Uygulamalar 

      Barıç, Şerife (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Ceramic material, which has an important place in contemporary art, can offer endless varieties in creating a new language about art. In this study, with ceramic applications, the fragment of woman and by this way, through ...
    • Görsel Sanatlarda Kadın ve Doğa İlişkisinde Bütünlük Arayışı 

      Azak, Şükran (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-05-19)
      While the relationship between women and nature is examined, the patriarchal structure is criticized within the scope of the research. The impact of the exploitation order caused by industrialization and capitalism on women ...
    • Kadın Bedeninin Mekân Olarak Seramik Malzemeyle Yorumlanması 

      Yağuş, İpek (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021)
      The mutual relationship of space and body concepts is the focus of this art work report. Through the relationship between space and body concepts, the image of the female body is examined as a space. In addition to the ...
    • Kadın Miti Üzerinden İronik Eleştiriler 

      Altın Akkaya, Merve (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022)
      This study, titled "Ironic Criticisms through the Myth of Women", covers the interpretation of female archetypes through myths and it examines the formation of roles based on the experiences of these archetypes and the ...
    • Kadına Dair Resimsel Öykülemeler 

      Tölük Aferin, Çiğdem (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022)
      Gender roles begin to be imposed on the person, just like coding, from the moment the individual is born. Everywhere, an individual is expected to behave appropriately in line with their gender. In this context, gender ...
    • Özgün Biçimlemelerle Seramik Formlarda Kadın İmgesi 

      Ölçer, Nesrin (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-09-15)
      ÖLÇER, Nesrin. “Woman Image in Ceramic Forms with Original Styles”, Master Degree Graduate Art Work, Report, Ankara, 2017. In this study, women's history, their place in social, political, religious and artistic fields ...
    • Plastik Sanatlarda Kadın İmgesi 

      Shikhaliyeva, Gular (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-06-26)
      The concept of violence which include emotional and psychological pressures as well as physical kept its place in human life throughout the history. The phenomenon of violence is seen to operate mostly on women when ...
    • Seramik Sanatında Kadın Figürü Bağlamında Özgün Uygulamalar 

      Özkan, Tuğba (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019)
      The female figure has often been a source of inspiration of the arts. In this dissertation, the female body is deformed as result of breast cancer which is common in recent years has interpreted in an original form of ...
    • Skopofili: Bakış, Haz ve İmge 

      Leylek, Elif (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2020)
      In the culture we are in, the woman is the scopophilic object of the male gaze. Women and their bodies have become controlled by the patriarchal structure. For this reason, the woman taught to watch herself also turned ...
    • Toplum Baskısı Altındaki Kadının Ütopik Duruşu 

      Kalfa, Aybegüm (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018)
      This study was based on the Notion of gender by focusing on the image of ‘women’ in the art through several societies. Women and men individuals in society had to supress their identities and involve into the roles depicted ...
    • Zoetrope Algısının Seramik Form ve Yüzeylerde Yorumlanması 

      Gül, Gürcü (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021)
      There are five chapters in the study named “The Interpretation of Zoetrope Perception on Ceramic Forms and Surfaces”. First part; The definition of Zoetrope (Wheel of Life), how Zoetrope works and similar types of Zoetrope ...