• Orta Çağ Avrupa El Yazmalarındaki İllüstrasyonların Çizgi Roman Sanatına Uyarlanması Ve Bir Çizgi Roman Uygulaması 

      Bozhüyük, Bayram (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2020-10-14)
      ABSTRACT It is a known the fact that illustrations prepared for the texts in the books help to strengthen further narration. The origins of the book illustrations date back to the Middle Ages. Miniatures in European ...
    • Orta Sınıf Hakkında İmgeler 

      Altay, Deniz (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018)
      Since it’s emergence, the human life has progressed –and is still progressing- according to certain rules. The first place to look for the origin of these rules is perhaps the formation of social classes. The first signals ...
    • Ortak Nesnenin Yitirilen Biricikliği 

      Zeydan, Gizem (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-02)
      In this thesis titled ‘The Lost Uniqueness of the Common Object’, breaking points (wars, discoveries, modern and technological developments) that societies have experienced from the past to the present and the effects of ...
    • Ortam Odaklı Sanatta Nesne ve Mekan Simbiyozu 

      Özlem, Vargün (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2018-06-25)
      In this thesis, the historical process of site-specific art that transformed to new alternative strategies, institutional, socio-political, historical, geographical, discursive, phenomenological and functional contents of ...
    • Ouroborus Söyleni Üzerine Görsel Anlatılar 

      Güngör, Zehra Dida (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019)
      İmages are the omens the meanings of which are agreed on by some human comminities. The updating and the permanance of the images which are one of the most effective materials of the visual expression adventure since drawing ...
    • Oyun İmgelerinde Döngüsel Arayışlar 

      Topçu, Şeyma (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)
      The game is an important phenomenon that accumulates with the culture over time and transforms into different forms, forming the present, reconstructing the unique diary of each era with materials taken from the past. The ...
    • Oyunlaştırma Tasarımı: Dijital Güvenlik Farkındalığı İçin Bir Uygulama Önerisi 

      Salman, Gizem (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-03-01)
      The aim of this study is to determine the expanding role of the designer at the point of raising awareness about digital security, which is one of the concepts of the digital age, to create a gamification design framework ...
    • Oyunlaştırma Temelli Mobil Aplikasyonlar ve Özel Eğitim Alanına Yönelik Bir Uygulama 

      Tılıç, Görkem (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2022-01)
      This study, which aims to contribute to the education processes of children with dyslexia utilizing the gamification method, consists of four parts. In the first chapter, the concept of gamification is defined and theoretical ...
    • "Öteki" Kavramı Üzerine Görsel Çözümlemeler 

      Özeskici, Evrim (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017)
      ÖZESKİCİ, Evrim. Visual Analysis on the Notion of "the Other”, Doctor of Fine Arts in Thesis, Ankara, 2017. As a notion, the other signifies another. In a visual analysis, this notion changes according to the societal ...
    • Öyküsü Olan Portreler 

      Adilet, Zhanapilov (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-07-18)
      Portrait as a Picture’s type; has made great progress on reflecting a person’s character and features. First of all, this study will try to explain about portrait by analyzing its content, dimensioning and technical ...
    • Özgün Biçimlemelerle Seramik Formlarda Kadın İmgesi 

      Ölçer, Nesrin (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-09-15)
      ÖLÇER, Nesrin. “Woman Image in Ceramic Forms with Original Styles”, Master Degree Graduate Art Work, Report, Ankara, 2017. In this study, women's history, their place in social, political, religious and artistic fields ...
    • Özgün Seramik Formlarda Ajur Tekniği Uygulamaları 

      Türkcan , Müzeyyen (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019)
      In the first part of the thesis, a short introduction to the ceramic decors is made. Afterwards, Along with its definition, the history of ceramic decors, is given in a short section. Then in the first part, ceramic decor ...
    • Özne Arayüz İlişkisi Dahilinde İmgenin Yeni Durumu 

      Kilinc, Hazel Büşra (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2021-07)
      The interactional state that happens alongside with every environmental factor after the subject has been thrown to the world is inevitably a situation which influences image. As it is stated in the introduction, this ...
    • Özne-Nesne İlişkisinde Sanatçının Hazır Nesnesi 

      Güven, Ahmet (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023)
      The understanding of art that makes it possible to exhibit an ordinary object that was not produced for art as an art object is closely related to Marcel Duchamp's fountain artwork. In this study, it is aimed to discuss ...
    • Öznel Seramik-Heykel Figürlerin, Kent Bağlamında Nesnemekan İlişkisi 

      Eskikan, Mehmet Eren (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2019-09-16)
      One cannot deny the influence of the interactions between the artwork and space on the ceramic art. The reason behind the ever growing importance of ceramic art as a means of artistic expression along with its functionality ...
    • Öznenin İmgesel Konumları 

      Özyılmaz, Jale (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2015)
      This artwork report is on how "I", as a subject, positions itself as a subject within imaginary context. What comes to conscious awareness here demonstrates language flow which is sensitive to notion philosophy that deals ...
    • Parametrik Tasarım Bağlamında Sergileme Mekanlarının Form-İşlev Analizi 

      Yüksekkaya, Armağan (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2020-09-15)
      The rapid progress of technological developments towards the 20th century has provided radical changes for the softwares and digitalization. The development of software and drawing programs for design and architecture has ...
    • Parametrik Tasarım Odağında Seramik ve Eklemeli Üretim İş Birliği 

      Ezdeşir, Yağmur (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2023-12-25)
      This study, which examines the interaction of parametric design thought with ceramics, was created as a result of shaping the modules created in a three-dimensional design program in the computer environment with the ...
    • Parametrik Tasarım Yaklaşımının İç Mimarlık Eğitimine Etkisi 

      Şekerci, Ceyhun (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2020)
      The use of digital technologies in interior architecture education shaped and renewed the design process and tools used in design. The aim of this study, which is based on interior architecture education, is to determine ...
    • Parametrik Tasarım Yönteminin Sürdürülebilir İç Mekanlarda Doğal Aydınlatmaya Etkisi 

      Mendilcioğlu, Rıza Fatih (Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, 2017-10-03)
      MENDİLCİOĞLU, Rıza Fatih. Effect of Parametric Design Method on Natural Lighting in Sustainable Spaces, Ankara, 2017. SUMMARY The relationship between architecture and science, technology, which has been in perpetual ...