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dc.contributor.advisorBinark, Mutlu
dc.contributor.authorZainab, Sana
dc.identifier.citationZainab, S. (2019). Media Literacy Policy in Pakistan (Master's thesis, Hacettepe University, 2019) (pp. 1-154). Ankara.tr_TR
dc.description.abstractMedia literacy is a multidisciplinary narrative which has been defined differently by different scholars and researchers. Over the time, it has been explicated in many ways and incorporated distinct techniques. Media literacy is not something bizarre rather its multifarious and diversified in nature. Since the early 19th century, the debate of media literacy started in different parts of the wold and the prime focus was print literacy and film literacy. In contemporary era, new ICTs have transformed the whole landscape of media and communication around the globe. The access to internet is much easier than ever before. McLuhan’s global village is well connected and taking both social and professional life to cyber space. Advancement in communication technology is changing learning patterns too. Intentionally and unintentionally, we are exposed to excessive information online. On one hand, cyber crimes, cyber bullying, online gambling, internet pornography and violent video games are effecting the internet users. On the other hand, media manipulation, fake news, propaganda, privacy, online harassment, security and data mining are some other challenges of this domain. Traditional pedagogy is lacking in creating critical thinking and democratization of education system to meet the goals of today’s media mediated world. That leads to the need of media literacy. Critical media literacy can help to bring educational and social reforms. This study focus on media literacy policy for Pakistan. A media literacy policy for Pakistan could stimulate other South Asian and developing countries to take a step. As far as Pakistan is concern, media is not just watch dog rather act as a third party in almost all affairs. The constitution of Pakistan gives right to information, right to education and freedom of expression but practically, how far it’s true is also discussed. Pakistani media and education system both are reviewed. For data collection, in-depth interview method has been used. For that educationists, media practitioners and media teachers were contacted. It emphasizes that critical media literacy can enable both adults and kids to decode media messages rightly, no matter if it’s conventional or new media. This study identifies the need of media literacy policy in Pakistan as well as purposes the basic framework for such a policy.tr_TR
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAL ………...…………...………………….…. i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKIYET HAKLARI BEYANI ...................... ii ETIK BEYAN ..................................................................................................... iii DEDICATION ……...………………………………………………………...... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS …………...……………………………………...... v ABSTRACT ..……………………………………………………………........... vi TURKISH ABSTRACT …………...……………………………………...….. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS …...………………………………………….......... viii TABLES …………………………...………………………...……………..….. xii PICTURES ............................……………………………………..………...... xiii GRAPHICS …………………………………...…………………...…….......... xiv INTRODUCTION …...………………………………………………...……….. 1 CHAPTER 1: CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK …………….......……….… 10 1.1. UNDERSTANDING MEDIA ………...…...……………….….… 10 1.2. UNDERSTANDING LITERACY ……………………………..... 12 1.3. UNDERSTANDING CRITICAL LITERACY …………………. 16 1.4. MEDIA LITERACY ……...…………………..…...……………... 19 1.5. CRITICAL MEDIA LITERACY ……………………………….. 21 1.5.1. Media Literacy and Policy Regulations ……...……..…..... 26 1.5.2. Media Literacy in Global Scenario ……..……...……..….. 27 1.5.3. Status of Media Literacy in Pakistan’s Neighborhood …... 35 Afghanistan …...…………...…………….……... 35 Iran ………...…………………...……..………... 36 China ………...…………………...…………….. 37 India………………………..………………….... 39 1.6. Review ……………..…………………………………….………… 42 CHAPTER 2: UNDERSTANDING PAKISTANI MEDIA AND LITERACY STRUCTURE ……………………...……………………………..……..…….. 43 2.1. PAKISTAN …………...……………..……………………….….... 43 2.2. EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN ...………………………………… 45 2.3. MEDIA IN PAKISTAN ………...…………..…...………...…..…. 50 2.3.1. Print Media ………...………..…………………………… 50 2.3.2. Radio ……………...…………...…………………………. 52 2.3.3. News Agencies …………...……………………..…….…. 52 2.3.4. Television …………...………………………....………… 53 2.3.5. Theatre ………...…………………………..…......………. 53 2.3.6. Puppetry …………...……………………………..………. 54 2.3.7. Lollywood, Pakistani Cinema ………...…………….……. 54 2.3.8. Foreign Media …………...………….…………….……… 55 2.3.9. New Media ……………...…..……...……………..……... 56 2.3.10. Media and Political Interactions ……...……...…...…..… 59 2.3.11. New Media Policies, Laws and Regulators …………….. 61 2.3.12. Conventional and New Media in Pakistan ….…….……. 62 2.3.13. Challenges for Media and Communication Sector …..…. 63 Freedom of Speech …………………………… 64 Media Consolidation ………….………………. 65 Cultural Invasion through Foreign Content ….. 66 Telecommunication Sector and Scams ….….… 67 Identity Theft and Banking Frauds ………....… 67 Child Pornography and Dark-Web ………..….. 68 Fifth Generation Warfare ……….…………….. 69 2.4. Review ……………..…………………...…………………...……... 70 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY, DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS……… 77 3.1. FIELD RESEARCH ………….…………...……………...………. 71 3.1.1. Scope of Research ……………………...…………......…. 71 3.1.2. Reflexive Consideration ……………...………………….. 72 3.1.3. Research Questions ……………………….....……..…….. 74 3.1.4. Methodology ……………….……...………………..…..... 75 3.1.5. Limitations …………..…….……...…………………....… 76 3.2. DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS …………………………….….... 77 3.2.1. Experts’ Views on Media Literacy …………...………...…. 78 Media in Pakistan ………………........................ 78 Education in Pakistan …………...……...……..... 81 Understanding of Media Literacy ……..…....….. 85 Media Literacy Reforms in Pakistan ……...….... 86 Scope of Media Literacy in Pakistan ...…...….… 87 Public Interest ...…………..………….. 87 Government Incentives …...………….. 90 Agenda of Media Literacy ………..…….....…... 92 Assessment of Existing Policies …….……....…. 92 Target Audience ……………….....…...…..…… 93 Media Literacy for Children …….....… 93 Adult Media Literacy ...…...…….....…. 95 Media Literacy Model ………………..….….…. 96 Integration of New Media to Media Literacy…. 96 Media Literacy Actors ……...………………… 97 The Role of Government ………........ 97 The Role of Civil Society …..…….… 98 The Role of Media ……………......… 98 Requirements ……………….…...…….…...…. 98 Realization ……….….…………….... 99 Collaborations ..……………..…….… 99 Budget ……………………….…….... 99 Challenges for Media Literacy …………...…. 100 Political Setup …………...……..….. 101 Religious Clerics ………...……….... 102 Conventional Media ...…………...… 102 Financial Restrictions …………….... 103 Apprehensions ……………......……. 103 Other Topics ……………………...….……… 104 3.2.2. Media Literacy and NGO’s in Pakistan …………....…105 3.3. REVIEW ……………..…………..…………………………...…. 111 CONCLUSION ……....………………………………...………………..…… 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY …………...…………………………..…………...…….... 117 APPENDIX1. Consent Form ……………………………..…...………….…. 130 APPENDIX2. Questionnaire ….........…………………......……………...…. 131 APPENDIX3. Originality Report ……………………………..………..…... 133 APPENDIX4. Ethics Board Waiver Form ……………...…….…….…...…. 135 TABLES Table 1. Definitions of literacy in Different Countries …..…………......……… 14 Table 2. Definitions of literacy in Some Countries ……..…...………………… 14 Table 3. Aid Agencies’ Definitions of Literacy……………………………...…. 15 Table 4. Types of Media Literacy ……….……………...……………………… 20 Table 5. Argumentation for Media Literacy ……………………..…….………. 24 Table 6. Approaches to Media Literacy…………………...……………………. 28 Table 7. Media Literacy Regulators in Some Countries ...................................... 31 Table 8. Seven Debates of Media Literacy …………………..………………… 32 Table 9. Education System in Pakistan ………..…………………...…………... 46 Table 10. Education Regulatory Bodies in Pakistan ………………………...…. 46 Table 11. Division of Schooling Systems …………..…...................................... 47 Table 12. Schooling Structure in Pakistan ….………………...………………... 48 Table 13. Prominent Publications in Print Media ……………………………… 51 Table 14. Prominent News Agencies in Pakistan …………..……………….…. 53 Table 15. Call for Justice by Social Media ………………..…………………… 57 Table 16. Assaults on Journalists ………………………………...…………….. 64 Table 17. Details of Interviews ……………..………………..…..…………….. 75 Table 18. Multiple Definitions of Media Literacy given by Interviewees…..….. 85 Table 19. Citizens for Free and Responsible Media’s Profile …………....…... 106 Table 20. Teacher’s Resource Centre’s Profile ……………..……………..…. 106 Table 21. Uks’ Profile ………………………………...……………………..... 107 PICTURES Picture 1. Arshad Khan, The Tea Seller …………………………...…………… 58 Picture 2. Qandeel Baloch, The Model …………...……………...…………...... 58 Picture 3. Kashan’s Facebook Post ………………………………………..…… 73 Picture 4. Mashal’s Facebook Post ……………………………………..……… 73 Picture 5. Facebook page of Citizens for Free and Responsible Media ……… 108 Picture 6. Webpage of Teachers’ Resource Centre (TRC) ………………….... 108 Picture 7. Webpage of Uks ………………………..………………………….. 109 GRAPHICS Graphic 1. The Evolution of Communication………………............................... 12 Graphic 2. Governance Structure in Pakistan……………………..…………..…. 43 Graphic 3. Ethnic and Sub-Cultural Identities in Pakistan…………..………..…. 44 Graphic 4. Steps of Thematic Analysis ……………………………...…….……. 77 Graphic 5. Themes in Interview Data …………………………………..…..…… 78tr_TR
dc.publisherSosyal Bilimler Enstitüsütr_TR
dc.subjectMedia Literacy
dc.subjectNew Media
dc.subjectMedia Education
dc.titleMedia Literacy Policy in Pakistaneng
dc.title.alternativePakistan’da Medya Okuryazarlığı Politikasıtr_TR
dc.description.ozetMedya okuryazarlığı, farklı bilim insanları ve araştırmacılar tarafından farklı şekillerde tanımlanan, birçok yönden açıklanan ve farklı teknikler içeren çok disiplinli bir anlatıdır.19. yüzyılın başlarından beri, medya okuryazarlığı tartışması dünyanın farklı yerlerinde başlamış ve ana odak noktası okuma yazma bilme ve film okuryazarlığı olmuştur. Modern zamanda yeni Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri (BIT) dünyadaki tüm medya ve iletişim alanlarını değiştirmiştir. İnternete erişim artık geçmişte hiç olmadığı kadar kolaydır. McLuhan’ın ‘küresel köy’ kavramının bağlantıları gelişmiş ve hem sosyal hem de mesleki yaşamı siber uzama taşımıştır. İletişim teknolojisindeki gelişme, öğrenme modellerini de değiştirmektedir. Kasıtlı ve kasıtsız olarak, çevrimiçi ortamda aşırı bilgi erişimine maruz kalmaktayız. Bir yandan, siber suçlar, siber zorbalık, çevrimiçi kumar oynama, internet pornografisi ve şiddet içeren video oyunları internet kullanıcılarını etkilemektedir. Diğer bir yandan ise medya manipülasyonu, sahte haberler, propaganda, mahremiyet, çevrimiçi taciz, güvenlik ve veri madenciliği bu alanın diğer zorluklarını oluşturmaktadır. Geleneksel pedagoji ise bugünün medya aracılı dünyasının hedeflerini karşılamakta ve eleştirel düşünme ve eğitim sisteminin demokratikleşmesini yaratmakta yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu durum, medya okuryazarlığı ihtiyacına yol açmaktadır. Eleştirel medya okuryazarlığı, eğitim ve sosyal reformların getirilmesine bu noktada yardımcı olabilir. Bu çalışma, Pakistan için medya okuryazarlığı politikasına odaklanmaktadır. Pakistan için medya okuryazarlığı politikası, diğer Güney Asya ülkelerini ve gelişmekte olan ülkeleri adım atmaya teşvik edebilir. Pakistan’ın bu konuyla ilgili olduğu sürece, medya sadece takipçi olmakla kalmaz hemen hemen tüm işlerde üçüncü taraf olarak hareket edebilir. Pakistan anayasası; bilgi edinme, eğitim hakkı ve ifade özgürlüğü vermektedir. Ancak pratikte bunun ne kadar doğru olduğu da bu çalışmada tartışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Pakistan medyası ve eğitim sistemi incelenmiştir. Veri toplamak için derinlemesine görüşme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Bunun için eğitimciler, medya alanında çalışanlar ve medya eğitimi veren öğretmenlerle iletişim kurulmuştur. Geleneksel ve yeni medya fark etmeksizin, eleştirel medya okuryazarlığının hem yetişkinlerin hem de çocukların medya mesajlarını doğru bir şekilde çözümlemelerini sağlayabileceği vurgulanmaktadır. Bu çalışma, Pakistan'da medya okuryazarlığı politikasının gerekliliğini ve böyle bir politikanın temel çerçevesini belirlemektedir.tr_TR
dc.contributor.departmentİletişim Bilimleritr_TR

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