GaN İnce Filmlerin Esr Spektroskopisi İle İncelenmesi
In this thesis; it is aimed to characterize GaN sample which has been widely used
nowadays, especially in electronics sector. GaN epitaxial structures have been
produced with different contents of carbon dopants by applying different production
conditions and it is known that the electrical performance of the samples increase
by the increasing amount of carbon dopant. In this thesis, for the purpose of
examining the magnetic, structural, optical properties of GaN which have different
doped carbon contents; XRD, ESR, PL, SIMS and AFM studies have been held.
The relation with the obtained experimental findings; the amount of carbon found in
the grown GaN samples have been evaluated. In addition, the fabrication production
procedures have been investigated on the fabricated transistors which were based
on GaN samples containing three different amounts of carbon dopants. By XRD
findings, information on carbon doped into GaN has been obtained. ESR findings
have given information about the damage centers found in GaN epitaxial structures.
ESR signal intensities have increased by increasing power values of etching
process and decreased by increasing duration of annealing process. PL results
have indicated an emission band at 2.2 eV for the carbon-doped GaN. AFM results
have shown that the surface roughness of the samples have been increased by
increasing amount of carbon dopants. SIMS results have given quantitative
information about the doped content of carbon in GaN.