Farklı Protez Temizleme Solüsyonları ile Muamele Edilen Akrilik Kaide Materyallerinin Renk Stabilitelerinin Karşılaştırılması
Removable partial or full dentures have been used for many years for the rehabilitation of edentulous patients. Color stability is an important measurement to consider for long-term protection of the aesthetic of the denture. Cleansing agents or methods may disrupt the surface morphology of the acrylics or cause whitening of the acrylic and corrosion or black staining on the metal parts of the denture. The purpose of this study is to compare the color stability of acrylic base materials treated with different denture cleansing solutions under in vitro conditions. For this purpose, 40 acrylic discs from eight brands, for a total of 320 specimens were prepared, each with a diameter of 15 mm and thickness of 2 mm treated with four thermally polymerized (meliodent heat cure, paladent 20, procryla and rodex) and four chemically polymerized (meliodent rapid repair, paladent rr, panacryl and takilon) acrylic base materials. Only one side of the specimens was polished to imitate the denture base. Ten samples from each acrylic brand were stored in three different denture cleaning solutions in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. This process was repeated every day for 90 days long. 10 samples from each brand were kept in the control group water. At the end of 90 days, the color of the samples was measured using a spectrophotometer. ΔE values were calculated according to the CIE Lab color system. For statistical analysis, IBM SPSS Statistics 23.0 was used. As a result, the color change was observed in all samples. The color change in the chemically polymerized Takilon acrylic materials and thermally polymerized Rodex with the 1% sodium hypochlorite solution and thermally polymerized Paladent acrylic materials with the Protefix solution was found statistically significant when compared to control group in water. The color change on the unpolished surface was more in the vast majority of samples. Heat-polymerized Meliodent and chemically polymerized Takilon materials kept in Protefix solution showed significantly more coloring on non-polished surfaces than polished surfaces. The color change between the polished and non-polished surfaces of other acrylic materials was not found statistically significant.