Ön Çapraz Bağ Rekonstrüksiyonu Sonrası Kan Akışı Kısıtlamalı Çapraz Eğitimin Kuadriseps Kas Kuvveti, Kalınlığı ve Diz Fonksiyonu Üzerine Etkisi
This study examined the effect of blood flow restriction (BFR) combined
with cross-education (CE) on quadriceps strength following anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction (ACLR). Twenty-four individuals who underwent ACLR with a hamstring
autograft [Age:24.9±6.3 years, BMI:24±2.3kg/m²] were randomly assigned at the 4th
postoperative week to either the CE+BFR group (n=13) or the CE group (n=11). All
participants underwent standard rehabilitation unCl the 12th week post-surgery. The CE
group performed eccentric CE exercises for the non-operated limb using an isokinetic
system (60°/s, 3 sets of 12 repetitions, 8 weeks/2 days). The CE+BFR group followed the
same protocol with BFR applied. Quadriceps isometric strength was assessed with an
isokinetic dynamometer, while quadriceps thickness and rectus femoris cross-sectional
area (CSA) were measured via ultrasound. Pain was evaluated with a numeric pain scale,
and function with the International Knee Documentation Commitee (IKDC), Knee Injury
and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS), and Tampa Kinesiophobia Scales. Assessments
were at 4th and 12th postoperative weeks. Variance analysis was used for statistical
evaluation. No group-time interaction was observed for quadriceps strength, size, pain,
or function (p>0.05). Significant time-related improvements were found in quadriceps
strength (operated:p<0.001; non-operated:p<0.001), and quadriceps size in both limbs
(p<0.05) but not in rectus femoris CSA (p>0.05). Activity pain decreased in time (p=0.01),
while rest or night pain showed no change (p>0.05). IKDC and KOOS scores improved over
time (IKDC:p=0.001; KOOS:p<0.001), but Tampa scores did not (p>0.05). The study
concluded that BFR cross-training did not offer added benefits for quadriceps strength,
thickness, or knee function in post-ACLR patients.