Türkiye'de Eğitim Politikalarında Anti-Entelektüalizm ve Bilginin Değersizleştirilmesi
This study focuses on anti-intellectualism in Turkey and tries to reveal the traces of this mindset
in relation to education policies. While some concepts with both political and everyday life
connotations are frequently mentioned in the ideological debates in Turkey, the role of anti intellectualism, another form of thought that has been as influential as these, is underestimated.
Regardless of the political view of the ruling party or the dominant worldview, anti-intellectualism
has been present in the socio-cultural and political atmosphere in this country, sometimes
increasing and sometimes decreasing in intensity. However, especially in the last fifteen years,
the effects of anti-intellectualism have been much more intense due to the decline in the value of
knowledge, targeting of expertise, and the demonization of intellectuals. Therefore, it seems
appropriate to identify anti-intellectualism as the “ethos” of this period, which is based on a certain
historical background and is expected to show its effects in the future. In this framework, this
study aims to start with a theoretical discussion on anti-intellectualism, including the historical
background and breaking points of anti-intellectualism in Turkey, and to examine this term in
relation to the education policies of the Justice and Development Party period. Within the scope
of the study, thirty-three reports published by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), Council
of Higher Education (YÖK), and Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA)
between 2007 and 2023 have been analyzed. The purpose and importance of the study is to
show that anti-intellectualism in Turkey is a mindset that shapes and underlies education policies.
This thesis also seeks to demonstrate that anti-intellectualism in Turkey is a mindset that stands
on its own feet and is at the intersection of many ideologies. This effort also includes showing the
shaken position of knowledge and reason, rising of conspiracy theories, and the effects of