Les Enjeux De L’Interculturel Dans L’Oeuvre Romanesque De J.-M.G. Le Clézıo
After the Second World War, while the European culture was restructuredin all areas, the new quests and orientations such as Existantialism, NewNovel and New Theatre emerged in the areas of literature and philosophy.Besides these new movements whose connection with the severe traumacaused by the war cannot be ignored, certain authors like Jean-MarieGustave Le Clézio who were born in the middle of the war conducted newsearches in order to overcome the crisis by which the European culture washit. Le Clézio who was introduced to the African culture due to the origin ofhis family, different from his contemporary authors, establishes relationshipwith different cultures and develops a new and distinctive understanding inthe area of novel based on interculturality. Apart from his works which aredirectly about confrontation with the European culture,