Felsefede Bencillik Kavramı Ve Sosyal Darwinizm Eleştirisi
Egoism is a concept, which is often dealt with mediately in the history of philosophy. But beginning from the Ancient Philosophy, it is possible to come to some conclusions for the concept of egoism. When 19th century has come, the arguments of Nietzsche and Scopenhauer say much more things with regards to the concept of egoism. However, the concept of egoism is dealt with the most explicitly by Max Stirner philosophically and by Richard Dawkins scientifically. The arguments of Nietzsche and Max Stirner about egoism face with the egoist side of men as an important critict regarding man. However, they don’t give satisfactory answers about where this egoist side originates from. On the other hand, what Dawkins says as an etologist answers this question successfully. But, when man is dealt with in its social aspect, because of his oversight of the differentiatin of historical-social field and natural field, he fails to establish the relation of these two seperate field via this.