This study, focusing on the remnants left behind by the contact of two surfaces, objects, or textures, shapes its main theme around the concept of traces. By examining the processes of deterioration and erosion over time, it compares the durability of these traces based on different material types. The study categorizes works interpreted as traces according to the environments in which they are exhibited, the materials used, and the durations of their experiences.
The traces addressed in the thesis are classified under three main categories. The first stage of this classification focuses on artists who create in outdoor environments using natural materials. Due to the environments in which they are presented and the materials used, these works are subject to fading, and the works and processes are documented through photographs. In the second phase, works resistant to fading are examined with an emphasis on variability. The relationship between these works and open and closed spaces is highlighted, and the role of closed spaces in preserving stability is discussed. It is revealed that variable traces maintain their representational capabilities by being exhibited in different spaces. In the third phase, traces created using molding techniques and the importance of closed spaces in preserving the stability of these traces are examined. Within the scope of the research, works aimed at remembering people who lived in the past and whose identities have been forgotten were produced. The layered structure on the surfaces of these works, created using different techniques, is formulated, and the production processes are detailed. The explanations of the works prepared in this context reveal the main findings and contributions of the research. The study aims to contribute to artistic production processes by addressing different dimensions of the concept of trace in the context of material and space.
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