1990 Sonrası Türk Sı̇neması: Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve İç Mekân Üzerı̇ne Bı̇r Analı̇z
What gender is and how this concept takes place in our lives is a widely discussed topic today. As a system of cultural, social, and historical norms and values, gender determines a person's roles, expectations, and social identity in society; it refers to a complex relationship consisting of the processes of individuals adopting gender roles, daily life practices, and interactions between individuals.
Societies have been male-dominated since the day humans settled down and formed "societies", although there have been exceptions. Space, which is an indicator of the society in which it is produced, has certainly been affected by this structure. For this reason, it can be the object or even the subject of the subject in human-related evaluations. Space, which is considered an object of intellectual creation, is in a mutual interaction with gender roles. Considering that gender shapes space and space shapes people, it is clear how critical this interaction is and that examining the relationship between space and gender is very important in understanding both the role that society assigns to the individual and where the individual positions himself in his relationship with space. Cinema is one of the most effective tools in making this relationship visible. Cinema, like space, is very effective in making visible the cultural, economic, and social practices of the society in which it is produced. This power of cinema and space and their similar attitudes in reflecting gender stereotypes are the starting point for this study.
In this study, the spatial correspondences of gender roles are examined through cinema films, and the presence and representation of characters in private and public interiors are analyzed.