Alternatif Teoriler Perspektifinden Gelir Dağılımında Adalet: Deneysel Bir Uygulama
This study seeks to experimentally investigate the validity of Rawls and Harsanyi’s
theory of distributive justice. In this context; the study examines the most preferred
justice principle -under the condition of both certainty and uncertainty- for the sake of
maximizing individual and group welfare. Two incentive mechanisms -money and
grade- are employed to encourage the participation. Experimental findings show that
subjects mostly choose the principle of average income maximization in order to
maximize their individual expected income. However equality principle is the most
preferred alternative in group decisions. Additionally, the observations indicate that, the
condition -certainty and uncertainty- creates a difference in the choice of principle. The
results also show that personal characteristics, risk perception, gender and incentive
differences have no significant impacts on principle choices.