Cem Esen'in Op.22 Senfonik Bale Süiti'nin Orkestra Şefliği Teknikleri Açısından İncelenmesi

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Şensoy, Deniz Nizam
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In this research, apart from analysis of Cem Esen's Op.22 Symphonic Ballet Suite in terms of conducting techniques; composer's life, his musical language and formal analysis of the movements are also included in the study. In the first chapter of the study Cem Esen's life, musical career and his musical language were explained. In the second chapter, ballet studies in Turkey, in the third chapter classical suite form and contemporary suite form, in the fourth chapter information about composition process of the ballet suite, its first performance and the story of the suite were explained. In the fifth chapter, the formal analysis of the piece has been done. Finally in the sixth chapter analysis of the piece in terms of orchestral conducting techniques has been done. All of these informations was collected through literature research and interview with the composer. The purpose of this study is to create a new resource for conductors who would like to conduct and for musicologists who would like to analyse Cem Esen's Op.22 Symphonic Ballet Suite (also for everyone who would like to do a research about music). It is assumed that this study can be beneficial for other researchers considering that this research is the only research about this piece. It can be said that informations about this research and the research methods about this subject are enough and appropriate.