Çağdaş Türk Müziğinde Hasan Uçarsu’nun Özgün Dili ve Viyola ve Piyano İçin İkili Konçerto Eserinin Şeflik Teknikleri Açısından İncelenmesi

Göster/ Aç
Yılmaz, Mustafa Ege
Ambargo Süresi
Acik erisimÜst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
This study consists of two parts: Investigating the developmental process of the
musical language of composer Hasan Uçarsu, who is one of the important representatives
of contemporary Turkish music in the younger generation, and examining the orchestral
conducting techniques of the Concerto for Viola and Piano “Bir Aşk Destanı” in terms of
technical aspects.
The first part focuses on investigating the evolution of Hasan Uçarsu’s unique
musical language, exploring his musical development, education and the factors that have
influenced his creative output from the beginning of his career up to the present day. By
examining the developmental journey of the composer’s compositional style, which has
contribued numerous works to the repertoire of Contemporary Turkish Music, the aim of
this part is to provide a guiding resource for young musicians who aspire to progress on a
similar path
The second part delves into a detailed analysis of the orchestral conducting
techniques employed in Hasan Uçarsu’s Concerto for Viola and Piano. With a
comprehensive exemination supported by markings on the score, this section aims to serve
as a guide for aspiring young conductors and conductor candidates who wish to study and
interpet the piece effectively. By exploring the technical aspects of conducting this
composition, titled “Bir Aşk Destanı”, it aims to provide a valuable resource for those
seeking guidance in conducting and researching the work.