Konutlardaki Elektrikli Cihazların Bekleme Konumunda Elektrik Tüketiminin ve Buna Bağlı Co2 Emisyonunun Belirlenmesi
Residential sector in Turkey accounts for about 25% of the national electricity consumption. Due to increase in household income levels and decrease in the costs of household appliances; a dramatic increase in appliance ownership has been observed in recent years. Most the household electrical appliances consume electricity while not used for their primary activity and left at standby mode. Studies on standby electricity consumption conducted in many countries show that standby electricity consumption accounts for about 3 to 10% of the total household electricity consumption. However, no study has yet been conducted to determine the amount and percentage of standby electricity consumption for households in Turkey. In this thesis study, surveys and standby measurements are conducted at 201 households in Ankara. The survey is designed to obtain detailed information on appliance properties, electricity consumption behavior, economic and demographic data of households, and electrical bills. A total of 1421 appliance standby power measurements are conducted. The average household standby power and standby electricity consumption is estimated as 23 W and 100 kWh/yr. respectively. After determining the total household electricity consumption using data on appliances and lighting from the surveys, standby electricity consumption fraction is estimated as 4 %.