TTK Ders Kitaplarındaki Kalıp Sözler: Kalıp Sözlerin Kullanımında İsviçre Örneği
Teaching Turkish, which has a long history, increases its importance even more today and becomes more valuable as teaching Turkish to foreigners and teaching Turkish to Turkish children who live abroad. Education of Turkish language to Turkish children who live abroad become more important and decisive, since access to Turkish materials and textbooks, which are the main source, is limited. As in every language, phareses in language teaching have an important place in Turkish and Turkish culture and they are frequently used in daily life. This situation increases the importance of phareses in Turkish teaching. In this context, phareses in the content of TTK books, which have been used since 2019, will be described and it will be tried to determine the level of Turkish children in Switzerland using these phareses. Phareses provide ease of communication both in oral and written expression and shed light on the culture of the society. For this reason, determining the children's usage levels of phareses and making descriptions for possible deficiencies will make an important contribution to the planning of Turkish teaching.