Ebeveyn Medya Aracılığı Stilleri ile Oyun Oynama Bozukluğu Arasındaki İlişkide Kaçış Motivasyonun Aracılık Rolü
The present study aimed to examine the indirect relationship between restrictive mediation styles and gaming disorder via escape motivation and to adapt two scales measuring online gaming motivations and parental mediation styles into Turkish. The design was a predictive correlational study, but also a translation and validation study. The convenience sample consisted of 501 students in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades, most of whom live in Ankara. In this study, Personal Information Form, Motives for Online Gaming Questionnaire, Perceived Parental Media Mediation Scale and Internet Gaming Disorder Scale were used. Data analysis was performed in R using RStudio 1.4. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted for the validity analysis of the scales adapted and used, Cronbach alpha and Mcdonald omega coefficients were calculated to evaluate the reliability. Since the data were not distributed normally, Satorra-Bentler correction was applied to the chi-square test in confirmatory factor analyses, and bootstrap confidence intervals were computed for assessing the mediation effect. Results showed that the scales had high degrees of validity and reliability. Furthermore, the mediation test indicated that autonomy-supportive restriction had a negative indirect relationship with gaming disorder while controlling restriction and inconsistent restriction had a positive indirect relationship with it. The findings were discussed in the light of the self-determination theory. Theoretical and practical recommendations were presented. This study may provide comprehensive and economic measures for future research, contribute to the field of parenting, and help to understand the risk and protective factors of gaming disorder in children.
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