Sınır Kavramının Sinema Mekanında İncelenmesi: Tevfik Başer Filmleri
This study is an architectural / interior design project which aims to make inferences on the issues of space and its boundaries under the main title of cinema and space. This study examined the physical and non-physical boundaries surrounding the limited space, the sights of these two borders and the common denominator was aimed to observe the users of these spaces. Due to the difficulty of applying these observations in real space, this study aimed to transform the cinematic space into an experimental field. This is a study of real and fictional space (one-location movies), the differences between the two and the emotional effects of these interactions on human beings if they stay that location for a while. In order to understand these effects, real and fictional space examples in Turkish cinema and world cinema are examined.
In this study, while analyzing the interactions between architecture and cinema; spatial analysis will be made through the films of famous director Tevfik Başer; 40 m² Almanya (1986), Sahte Cennete Veda (1989) and Elveda Yabancı (1991) who made a trilogy on the boundary issue in cinematic space. In order to understand the interactions of these limited fictional spaces; these three films will be watched by architecture students. They will be used as a test area and source of survey analysis by also defining the basic emotions that revealed in the user of these spaces. This study, which is expected to contribute to the production of space by the disciplines of architecture and cinema, is the starting point for the works to be conducted in these branches of art. This work, which seeks to answer the question of space for both arts, makes inferences about the physical and non-physical boundaries of cinematic space. This study also provides an understanding of the relationship between the individual and the space, and also supports architecture to help him create more suitable spaces for the individual.
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