Heykelde Antropomorfik Nesneler ve Biçim Araştırmaları
İçden, Mehmet Kemal
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In the artwork report entitled “Anthropomorphic Objects And Form Research in Sculpture”,
research has been carried out through applications within the art of sculpture by establishing a
human-object relationship in the context of everyday objects. As the basis of this research, the
historical roots of the concept of Anthropomorphism are used.
Within the framework of studies based on human-based formalism, a number of concepts were
used (uncanniness, precariousness, hybridization, etc.), and sub-readings such as zoomorphism,
biomorphism, metamorphism supporting the subject of anthropomorphism were also used.
In this study, in the first chapter, the concept of anthropomorphism is focused on and the concept is
based on the general definitions and also the explanation of the sub-concepts (hybrid, zoomorphic,
biomorphic, etc.) with a phenomenological approach is carried out.
A number of explanations are given about how any image should be handled and considered in an
anthropomorphic context. In addition, many artists who worked on the subject were examined in
In the second part, the artists who produce designs and projects with their respected contemporary
works are given and the concept of Anthropomorphism in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries is
detailed by following a chronological order in terms of art history. At the same time, the
interaction of the concept with body art has been examined in detail.
In the third part, the situation of the works produced on the sculpture area of artists interested in
anthropomorphism, which has served as a bridge between the past and the present, has been tried
to be explained with the connections of my own process with both three-dimensional and
intellectual and surreal situations.