The aim of this study is to determine the effects on the students’ achievement by a personalized text designed to teach adjectives in Turkish teaching. For this purpose, 56 students from the 6th grade level which were taking Turkish classes in 2018-2019 school year were studied. The study has only one independent variable and it is the instruction. The dependent variable of the research is the achievement of the students. In the implementation of the personalization, a short text prepared by the researcher and appropriate to the subject of adjectives was used. The text was personalized based on the information collected from the students through “Student Personal Information Form”. The subject of adjectives was studied through this text and after the completion of the subject, students were tested for achievement. At the end of the study, eight students were selected for focus group interview and interview forms were applied. After the data collected from the study were analyzed, it was found that the difference between the post-test scores of the students receiving personalized instruction and the non-personalized instruction was significant. Qualitative data in the Student Interview Form which was prepared in order to get the students' opinions about the application were analyzed by descriptive analysis. As a result of these qualitative data, it was identified that students' views on personalized teaching were positive, they found the practice motivating and they thought it was useful for learning the subject.
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