Analysis on Reflective Thinking Tendencies of Student Teachers According To Their Individual Innovativeness and Sociotropic-Autonomic Personality Characteristics
This study aimed to analyze the reflective thinking tendencies of student teachers along with their openness to individual innovations and sociotropic-autonomic personality characteristics. In the research "Sociotrophy Autonomy Scale" is used which is developed by Beck and his friends. In order to determine student teachers' levels of innovativeness and the categories they belong, the "Individual Innovativeness Scale", which was developed by Hurt, Joseph and Cook (1977) and was adapted into Turkish by Kilicer and Odabasi (2010), was administered. The data collection tool used for determining student teachers' reflective thinking tendencies was the "Reflective Thinking Tendency Scale" developed by Semerci (2007). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd.