Kubrick Sinemasında Kadın-Erkek Temsillerine Psikanalitik Bir Bakış
It has been provided that there is a comprehensive academic literature upon femaleand male representation in visual arts. It has been presented that the femalerepresentation is compatible with patriarchal ideology, provided that the females arecommonly as a sex object at the forefront in these movies and dependentlyrepresented to domestic area. Besides, by comparison with feminist researches,studies on masculinity are quite new and it’s main argument is that hegemonicmasculinity imposes a standard masculinity model.This work focuses on male-female positions and representations in Stanley Kubrick’smovies. According to feminist film theory that influenced with psychoanalysis, visualconsensus in main stream cinema annihilate women’s voice and psychoanalytic filmtheory by using this argument as base, concentrates on audience research. Theseresearhes influences feminist film studies and it hes been alleged that gaze belongs tomale audiences.