1990'lar Hollywood Sinemasında Tüketim Toplumu, Erkeklik Krizi ve Şiddet Eleştirisi
The study examines Fight Club, American Beauty and Truman Show over consumer society, media, masculinity in crisis and violence in light of the economic, social and political developments in the 1990s, and discusses the criticisms and their boundaries. The main argument is that the movies offer a critical point of view regarding consumer society, media, masculinity in crisis and violence, differentiate themselves from the classical narrative cinema and wink at alternative opportunities; but fail to cross the ideological boundaries and leave the shelters of the capitalist economic system. The study concludes that Hollywood cinema fails to ignore its economic and ideological codes and criticisms end/become invalid once faced with commercial concerns. However, the movies differentiate themselves from mainstream movies confirming the dominant ideology and reproducing stereotypes, and take a step towards enabling viewers to think on the issues and shaking the foundations of stereotypes.