Anadolu Sahası Köroğlu Anlatılarında Tema ve Ezgi Meselesi
This study concerns with the Koroglu narratives on the scent of oral composition theory. Koroglu is most spread and famous narrative of oral and musical culture of Anatolia. Thus far, Koroglu is usually studied from the point of episodes and motives, performer and his way of composing is omitted.The terms of episode and motive form the conflict of variants and demand for an urform.Consequently, the ideas concerning each performance as a variant constitutes mistakes, gaps and restorations as compared with a lost urform, led studies to a dead end. The matter of variants and urform of Koroglu convince the future studies to give in this method. We, taking the Oral Composition Theory and its findings as our study guide, will analyse the structure of Koroglu narratives.