Sosyolojik Kuramda Yapı-Fail Sorunu ve Vicdani Ret
This study, approaches the conscientiousobjection as a part of structure-agency problem which is one of the significant reas in sociological theory. In this extent, firstly, the formation of values which from basis to objection action are evaluated within the scope of society-individual relationship. Then, these aforesaid values’s effect on action is explained in detail an agency emphasis basis. In this study, politics and relagion are considered as two main values which are considered as two main values which are determinant in conscientious objection act in Turkey. Within this information, in this study 12 anarchist, 2 leftwinger and 4 muslim conscientious objectors were deeply interviewed and also w,th the aim of reflecting the acts general view, 396 individuals’ decleration of conscientious objection was analyzed.