Bölüm "Klinik Onkoloji" Kanser Enstitüsü için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 7, listelenen: 1-7
CyberKnife® Robotik Radyocerrahi Cihazında MAGIC Polimer Jel Dozimetre İle Küçük Alan Dozimetrisinin İncelenmesi
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2018)ENKAVİ, M.F. Investigation of Small Field Dosimetry with MAGIC Polymer Gel Dosimeter in CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery Device. Hacettepe University Institute of Health Sciences, MSc. Thesis in Radiotherapy Physics Program, ... -
Cyberknife® ve Varian RapidArc® TrilogyTM Cihazında Üç Boyutlu Uzaysal Fraksiyone Grid Terapi Doz Karakteristiklerinin Karşılaştırılması
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2020-12). Lattice therapy is an innovative method to increase the effectiveness of radiotherapy by delivering a high dose to the target volume irradiated through small spaces in one or more fractions.In this study, we investigated ... -
Single Institution Experience on Cancer Among Adolescents 15-19 Years of Age
(Turkish J Pediatrics, 2017)Adolescent cancers differ from other age groups in terms of cancer types, treatment and outcome. We aimed to present our institutional data on survival of certain types of cancer in adolescents. Hospital files were ... -
Stereotaktik Radyocerrahi ve Stereotaktik Beden Radyoterapisi Uygulamalarında Manyetik Rezonans Görüntüleme Tabanlı Tedavi Planlama Sisteminin Kullanılabilirliği
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2021-02-05)In this study, feasibility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) based treatment planning system instead of computed tomography (CT) in SRC and SBRT was evaluated. Three different scenarios were created for density and ... -
Successful Treatment of Intracaval and Atrial Extension of Wilms' Tumour by Chemotherapy
(British Med Journal Publ Group, 1996)A patient presenting with advanced Wilms' tumour was diagnosed as having inferior vena cava involvement with tumour thrombus extending up to the right atrium, and was treated with preoperative chemotherapy (vincristine, ... -
Tüm Beden Işınlamalarında Farklı Tedavi Planlama Tekniklerinin Dozimetrik Olarak Karşılaştırılması
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2021-02-10)The purpose of Total Body Irradiation (TBI) in radiotherapy is to suppress the immune system of the patient by destroying bone marrow cells, prepare the host for bone marrow transplantation and enhance the antitumor effect. ... -
Vajinal Kaf Brakiterapi Uygulamaları için Yoğunluk Ayarlı Aplikatör Tasarımı: Dozimetrik Fizibilite Çalışması
(Kanser Enstitüsü, 2018)Depending on technological advances in radiotherapy, the use of three-dimensional (3D) treatment planning in brachytherapy (BRT) applications has provided a great advantage in terms of efficacy of treatment in gynecological ...