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Philosophy has always interested in human being. However, it can be said that almost no philosophical discipline put human being into the focus of systematic thinking as much asexistentialism. Thinkers described as existentialist, have genereally appealed to the phenomenology which Husserl precisely, clearly, unmediatedly established, in order toinvestigate the existence of human being which signifies his "essence".According to Husserl phenomena reveal their essences; so the problem is how their essences are intuited, in other words how these essences are established in consciousness. The answer of this question is that which Husserl attempted to "establish" all over his life, phenomenology as an"abolute science". This should be said that, according to Husserl, even if phenomena reveal their essences, essences cannot be consumed and therefore description is infinite.Heidegger and Sartre who are described as existentialists thought that human being is not an existent like th