Strategies for Reading
Part 1. Introduction
1. What is reading?
2. How do we read?
3. Schema theory.
4. Efficient and inefficient reading
5. Re-conceptualizing education and reading
6. Reading and culture (s) and culture (s) of reading
7. Importance of classroom talk and discussion
in the reading classroom.
8. Testing reading
9. The text and the reader
10. Focus on reading skills and reading comprehension
Part 2.
Reading with Strategies
1. Activating Prior Knowledge
^ Reading: Erasmus Programme.
2. Visualization
Reading: The Electronic Village
3. Skimming and Scanning
s» Reading: Melting Away
4. Inferring
Reading: Is Turkey Losing Its Reform Zeal?.
5. Generalizing, the Main Idea and the Topic Sentence.
Reading: Depression, Drugs, and Alcohol.
6. Summarizing
Reading: Looking Back.
7. Concludin
to Reading: A Critique of Traditional Educational Practices
8. Predicting
to Reading: Introduction to Misogynism in Literature
9. Paraphrasing
to Reading: Bette Midler: A Short Biography.
10. Deducing Facts From Opinion
to Reading: The New Museum of Modern Art
to Reading: Turkish Culture or Cultures
Part 3.
Additional Reading Texts
1. Leo
2. Showing off
3. Portrait of the Dancer by Alexander Sacharoff.
4. The Modern Welfare State..
6. Ivory Coast: A Legacy of Stabilit