Virtüöz Piyanistlerin Konser Etütleri Chopin'den Prokofiev'e
The concert etudes carry out a significant role concerning piano education. In thiswork, the etudes written by 30 virtuoso pianists who lived in 19th and 20th centuries arebeing examined and evaluated. These particular etudes provide a basis fort hedevelopment of different ingenuities regarding every indivudual undergoing pianoeducation. In this work, etudes of composers F.Chopin, F.Liszt,S.Rahmaninov andS.Prokofiev are technically examined along with the emphasis in regards to theimportance of the etudes on the improvement of pianists.72 etudes composed by these above mentioned pianists is separated into 40 technicalcategories, in addition, the etudes that these 40 categories are used together with thetotal number of etudes are set forth in this work. Moreover, charts are prepared for theclassification of the technical skills which are intended to be improved in regards to theetudes determined for this particular purpose.