Violoncello training is a process that starts at an early age and can greatly affect both the
musical and physical development of the individual. The development of violoncello
training through the ages was not only to change the sound the instrument produce but
also to make the person who is playing the violoncello more comfortable and allow for
ease of playing. These historical developments would suggest that the sizes of the
violoncello carry significant importance.
Playing violoncello is a physical activity that requires physiological recognition of the
human body. The technical and musical obstacles encountered during the training process
can sometimes push muscular and skeletal system and result in physiological disorders.
These disorders are examined by the Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation or
in cases where surgical treatment is required are examined by the Department of
Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
Examination of the cello performance technique will reveal the physiological disorders
that may arise and the effects of these disorders that will complicate the execution and
will contribute to its understanding. The purpose of this thesis is to inform players of
violoncello about muscular and skeletal system.
This thesis will provide all physiological needs and techniques for violoncello playing,
orthopaedic diseases encountered during violoncello training with their causes and ways
to prevent such diseases, with expert views.
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İşkodralı, M. E. (2012) Viyolonselin, Solo Çalgı Olarak Ön Plana Çıkmasına
Öncülük Eden Besteci Çellistlerin Biyografileri Ve Bu Doğrultudaki
Çalışmalarının İncelenmesi
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Op. Dr. Haldun Orhun Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji Uzmanı * Müzisyen Sağlığı
Günleri-I, 11-12 Mart 2005, Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, İst.
Uzman Fizyoterapist, Erkan. Demiral, Mekanik Bel Ağrısı Nedir? 2014
Yurdal Serarslan, İsmet M. Melek, Taşkın Duman, Karpal Tünel Sendromu,
Pamukkale Tıp Dergisi, 2008;1:45-49
İnternet Kaynakları
History Of The Cello, http://www.andrewdunncello.com/essay
Prof. Dr. Orhan Barlas, Siyatik ve Bel Hastalıkları, 2014