Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sırasında Ermeni Meselesinin İngiliz Basınına Yansımaları (1914-1918)
The Armenian Question was a significant problem for the Ottoman State in both political and
diplomatic aspects in late 19th century and early 20th century. After Ottoman State went to
World War I, this question gained a quite different aspect. The deportation issue experienced
during the war is the origin of many issues that still keep up-to-date today. This study
systematically examined the reflections of Turkish and Armenian relationships under war
conditions during World War I to English press. This examination is intended to contribute to
scientific studies being conducted on Armenian Question and Deportation, in terms of press
history. Newspapers and similar printed press materials are valuable resources in terms of
understanding the community psychology in the analysis of historical events and phenomenons.
For this reason, as the essential factor of the study, the English newspapers published between
1914 and 1918 were handled as a primary resource.