The purpose of this study to investigate predictor effects of post-traumatic cognitions about self and world, guilty fellings relating to traumatic experience and locus of control on obsessive-compulsive disorder symptomalogy. The sample of the study is consisted of 384 individuals aged between 23-65 years (X̄ = 33.16, SD= 11.25) who have experienced trauma in the last 5 years and who have different educational levels. Data was collected through Demoghrafic Information Form, Post-traumatic Stress Diagnose Scale (1st and 2nd Chapters), Post-traumatic Cognition Scale, Trauma Related Guilt Scale, Locus of Control Scale and Padua Inventory-Washington State University Revision.
In the scope of analyzing data obtained from participants, correlation analysis was conducted to investigate relationships between variables in the study. Kruskal-Wallis analyses were carried to explore the effect of the time after traumatic experience on post-traumatic cognitions and trauma-related guilt. Between subjects t test analyses were conducted to explore gender differences on both general obsessive-compulsive symptomalogy and on its dimensions. For the aim of investigating predictors effect of variables on obsessive-compulsive symptomalogy and on its dimensions, hierarchial regression analyses were carried.
Based on results of analyses, variables in the study, it was seen that the variables and sub-dimensions of the study were correlated with different significance levels. It was concluded that the participants who experienced their traumatic incidents 1-3 months earlier had a higher level of negative cognitions about the self and the world. It was found that women exhibited higher levels of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptomatology than men, and that this difference was particularly prominent in the level of contamination obsessions and cleaning compulsions. In consequence of multiple hierarchial regression analyses, post-traumatic cognition and trauma-related guilt were found to have a significant predictive effect on obsessive-compulsive disorder symptomatology. While locus of control sub-dimensions predicted the symptom levels of different obsessive-compulsive disorder sub-dimensions, it was concluded that predestinarianism belief was the variable that had the highest predictive effect among the locus of control locus. The findings of the study were discussed by considering the studies in the literature.
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