Çocuklarda Cerrahi Girişim Gerektiren Meme Kitlelerinin Değerlendirilmesi
In Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Surgery, between 1977-2013, adolescent girls under 18 years of age with surgically treated breast masses were evaluated for age, symptoms, duration of follow-up, preoperative and postoperative diagnosis, indications of surgery, histopathologic findings, postoperative complications, frequency of recurrence and postoperative follow-up retrospectively to investigate the diagnostic and treatment features of surgically treated breast masses in children. Among 68 adolescents, detailed information was obtained for 41 children. The mean age was 14.4 ±2.02 years (8-18 years). The most common localization of the masses was left upper quadrant (n=12, %29). Thirty-nine of the children were postpubertal and three of them had menstruation related pain. Two of the cases were prepubertal. None of the cases have family history. Before admission, mean duration of symptoms was 2.3 ± 2 months (10 days-36 months). The most common symptom was breast mass (n=25, 61%) and followed by dysmorphic breast, mass and pain, erythema and swelling, mass and dysmorphic appearance and discharge. Ultrasonography, mammography and fine needle aspiration biopsy were used in diagnosis. In preoperative evaluation, solid nodules were the most common findings (n=23, 57%). Suspicion of malignancy was the most common indication for surgical treatment (n=26, 65%). In 11 cases (27.5%), patients were underwent surgery after follow-up and 29 (72%) of them were underwent without follow-up. The mean follow-up period was 7.45 months (1-24 months). Fibroadenoma was the likely diagnosis in histopathologic evaluation (n=15, 36%). In postoperative follow-up [mean 7 months, (3-36 months)], recurrent breast mass was detected in 9 (22.5%) patients. All recurrent cases showed benign histopathologic findings. None of the patients had operative complications. In conclusion, breast masses in children are rare and risk of malignancy is low. Although, risk of malignancy is the most common indication for surgery, fibroadenoma was the most common diagnosis. Also, all recurrent cases showed benign histopathologic findings.