Bir Sözlü Tarih Çalışması: Çerkes (Adige) Boylarından Şapsığların ve Kabardeylerin Günümüzdeki Göç ve Kimlik Algısı
Circassians were forced to emigrate to many countries including Turkey in the 19th Century as a result of Russia's expansionist policies. A good deal of researches and studies have been carried out about the reasons for the forced migration of Circassians together with the history and consequences of the migration process. However, oral history studies related to the perception of migration and identity by the Circassians have been regarded as rare in Turkey. This thesis aims to obtain and assess the perception changes or unaltered thoughts of the Circassians whose presence in the establishment of the Republic of Turkey is undeniable and who currently form an effective majority in Turkey, in terms of their cultural and ethnic identity along with the historical process.
In line with the purpose mentioned above, the theoretical framework is drawn in the first chapter of the thesis and the concepts “migration”, “forced migration”, “memory”, “identity” and “perception of migration” are defined in detail. Upon the theoretical framework, in the second chapter, the historical process of immigration and settlement of the Circassians from the Caucasus to Turkey is stated. In the third part of the study, the interviews with 5 participants from the Shapsugs, a Circassian clan in Düzce are examined. In the fourth chapter, the 5 interviews with the Kabardians, another Circassian clan mostly settled in Kayseri are discussed. All the interviews are assessed by making use of the concepts “migration, identity, memory and perception”.