Zıtlık Kavramının Dalga Oluşumlarıyla Sanatsal Olarak Yorumlanması
The fact that the concept of contradiction between two opposing situations, which can be encountered in every moment of our lives, coming together and forming a whole, is examined with Heraclitus, the concept of the dialectical law that provides the existing order in the world, and the notion of contrast means of the dialectical law that provides the existing order, the dialectic law is carried out through the dialectic of nature.
“Dialectic; is a line of reasoning using contrasts.” (Turkedebiyatı,2007) Throughout art history, it is seen that in all art branches, contrast is used as a concept in the process of creating a work.
In the first part of the report ,at the study of the concept of contrast, starting from the word meaning to the historical process, everything is connected to each other in nature and its connection with the dialectic concept of its continuity processed. The role of dialectic in the order of nature is explained. The wave movement chosen from natural events is explained and interpreted through the dialectic of nature. Artists working in the wave form of plastic arts are researched and interpreted.
In case of second part, all of these theoretical processes and personal ceramic wave works were interpreted. Using contrasts in other words contradiction in the context of the report methods of designing art, It has been tried to be reflected to the ceramic applications by way of waveform.
The starting point of this work, the concept of contrast as regards of human life the connection between the concept of contrast and two different relation again as a result of natural events resulting composed from the wave forms of artistic interpretation.