The aim of this study is to compare the education systems, the characteristics of primary school English language education and the objectives, contents, teaching-learning processes and evaluation systems of the primary school English language curricula of Turkey, Singapore and Norway by identifying the similarities and differences among them. The data of this research has been gathered from official, academic and scientific resources through document review and examined through descriptive analysis. According to the results, while English language education starts at the second grade of primary school in Turkey, it starts at the first grade in Singapore and Norway. The weekly course hours allocated for English in Turkey is considerably less than Singapore and Norway. The objectives are classified based on the four basic skills in Turkey and Singapore; however, they are grouped based on the topics covered in the content in Norway. There are no objectives addressing reading or writing skills at the second, third and fourth grades in Turkey; however, this is not the case for Singapore and Norway. Turkish curriculum includes classroom activities but unlike Singapore and Norway, there is no reference on which activity should be done to reach which objective. Suggested teaching methods, techniques and strategies are indicated in detail in Singapore’s curriculum but not in Turkey’s or Norway’s. While the summative assessment is more emphasized in Singapore and Norway, the formative assessment is stressed more in Turkey. Some recommendations on improving the Turkish curriculum are given at the end of this study.
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