Dede Korkut Kitabı'nın Türkiye'deki Popüler Yayınları Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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In Turkey, between 1916-2015 more than 1638 scientific, popular and artistic Works including theses, articles and books on the Book of Dede Korkut were published. In this work, production and publishing process of teh popular publications about The Book of Dede Korkut within a-100-years period was studied. Based on the imprint information of 456 popular publications, which were chosen with the exemplification method, with the main criterion of “book-writer-reader-target audience”, analysing them in terms of quality and quantity, the effects of tehese elements on the production and the publication of the works were studied. Besides, works chosen with the exemplification method among the publications which belong to 10-year periods were studied within the context of interteştuality. The research are of this work, which includes an introduction and four parts, consists of The National Library catalogues and some biographical publications published in Turkey. In tehs work studied with an interdisciplinary approach, along with the concepts and theories of interteştuality, quantification levels (scales) of statistics and the methods of statistical data were used. As a result, the reasons and motives of the alienation from the subtext in the popular publications on The Book of Dede Korkut published in Turkey were determined and indicated.