Sanat Eseri Olarak Mekan; Sanatta Alternatif Barınak Üretimleri
Öner, Segah Beste. Space as an Artwork; Alternative Shelter Productions in Art. Master of Arts Study Report, Ankara, 2018
In this report, named as “Space as an Artwork; Alternative Shelter Productions in Art”, the concept of space, the effect of space on communities, cultures and it’s changing effect has studied and the journey of shaping space by cultures has discussed with an artistic perspective. In this context the effects of alternative space creating and its effect on cultures has been researched and studied.
The concept of space is a concept that immanent with everything. Space seems as a begining point to start and develop life. Every living being has already adapted and developed a lifestyle according to their space, surroundings and because of that the living reached its current diversity. Even though the argument of space changes the living things that contains inside it, it’s not a one-way relationship. While space changes the life, life starts to shape the space well; with that they start a relationship which contains the individual that builds the space and the society that contains the individual and the constructed space creates a continuous alteration. Like all life, the history of mankind started as a result of this relationship. The first cavemen started to migrate all around the World in time and after that they’ve adapted a settled life and with all these changes, happened according to their surroundings and adaptation. This situation created the difference between cultures and societies, and it created the diversity all around the World.
In the first section of the report, the concept of space has examined as a concept that shapes the culture and the similarities between societies and spaces that they live. The concept of space begins with human effect. The concept of has space examined as a reflection of the individuals on earth that shapes the space; and the relationship with it and the reasons and results of building it has researched. The concept of “home” has studied specifically fort his research and the difference between village houses and city houses compared. With the rapidly rising population in the cities, personal spaces rapidly declining and the results of it are reduced mental freedom, negative effect on the society, on the culture The situation of rapid decline of personal and mental space due to rapid increase in population, has created the questions such as “how will affect the society and the culture” and “even though it doesn’t have any physical function, how will society accept the object that has mental function?” and these questions are examined with some examples.
In second part, “space as a praxis” suggestion clarified as artistically and philosophically and the concepts of nature-human, space-art are examined in a dialectic relationship. Came up with an artistic approach that everybody can reach to it and include in it, and the methods that can be used to perform this artistic approach has researched with examples of works from various artists. Finally, for study purposes, each with different public spaces, alternative space applications have been tried and upon these applications, previously suggested artistic approach and the effects of it on cultures has been researched.
Keywords: Space, City, Nature, Shelter, Culture, Art, Human, Space Production