Türk ve Alman Düğün Gelenekleri ve Davetiyeleri
In our study, the Turkish and German wedding traditions that vary from one culture to another, the wedding invitations that play fundamental roles in both cultures and invitations on which cultural and linguistic features have left significant marks have been studied.
The wedding invitations in our corpus consist of twenty-five Turkish and twenty-five German invitations through the years 2000-2017. The invitations have been selected from different provinces, districts, villages or states with as much cultural features as possible so that they could introduce cultural diversities in both Turkish and German societies. In the text linguistics analysis that has been carried out under these circumstances, the wedding invitations with these features have been divided into two groups: obligatory and optional. Then special variants in the moves, content, form and stylistic features and communicative purposes of the moves were explained.
In this comparative study, it is clearly seen that wedding traditions and invitations inform us about the religions, values and relationships with family, friends and relatives of the societies to which they belong.