İbnü’l-Fârız’ın Hamriyye Kasidesinin Arapça, Farsça ve Türkçe Şerhleri
In the poetry of Pre-Islamic age of ignorance, the process that includes the involvement of the states and adjectives of liquor in the poetry continued intensely and caused the emergence of a poetry genre called ‘’Hamriyye’’. In the later periods, mystics gave mystical connotations to liquor which in the early period was included in poetry with its real and material meaning. One of the important poems in this respect is İbnü’l-Fârız’s (632-1235) ode “Mîmiyye/Hamriyye”. It has attracted attention of nations with various languages and cultures, and became one of the most annotated poems in Arabic, Persian and Turkish. In this study entitled Arabic, Persian and Turkish Annotations of İbn al-Farid’s Ode Hamriyye, about twenty Arabic, Persian and Turkish annotations of the ode since 14th century are examined.
The study is made up of an introduction and five chapters. In the introduction, the general progress of poetry with liquor theme is outlined and then in the first chapter, with the help of our resources, information about the life, works and art of İbn al-Farid is given. In the second chapter, the annotations of Hamriyye ode in Arabic and Persian are analysed. Seven of these are in Arabic and three in Persian. First, information about the authors of these annotations are given then the annotations are examined. The third chapter is allocated to the annotations in Turkish. The same pattern is followed for these annotations. In the analysis, the factors that affect the similarities; linguistics and stylistic contents among the annotations and the general manner in these annotations and their effects are studied. In the fourth chapter, comparative dictionary for the words and concepts in the annotations are prepared. In chapter five, the results are given with the translations of the texts.