Mahmud Bin Kadı-İ Manyas'ın 'Acebü'l-Üccab Adlı Eserinin Transkripsiyon ve Dizini
Turkish language spoken in the lands of Anatolia and Rumelia from the second half of the 13th century to the second half of the 15th century is called Old Anatolian Turkish. In this period, works on various topics including medicine, history, astronomy, geography, as well as religious and literary works were written or translated.
This thesis analyzes A’cebü’l-‘Üccâb, an encyclopedic work written during the Old Anatolian Turkish period. As stated by the author Mahmûd bin Kadı-yi Manyas, the date of publication of the work is 1438. There are many copies of the work in libraries in Turkey and abroad.
A’cebü’l-‘Üccâb consists of three main parts that the author refers to as “articles”. The first article is fiqh, the second is arithmetic and the third article is about animals, plants and mines. In the Text section of our study, there is a translation of the manuscript registered in the digital library of Princeton University among the İslamic Manuscripts by the serial number 1010.
The Grammar section of the study consists of two main parts as Phonetics and Morphology. The last section contains the Index.