Algılanan Ebeveyn Kabul Reddinin Yetişkinlik Dönemindeki Psikopatoloji Ile Ilişkisi : Kontrol Odağının Ve Benlik Kurgularının Aracı Rolü
The porpuse of this study is to observe mediating role of locus of control and self-construals between parental acceptance-rejection and psychopathology. For this purpose, Demographic Information Form with 319 (190 women, 129 men) students from different department of Hacettepe University, to evaluate parental acceptance-rejection Parental Acceptance-Rejection Scale , to screne psychopathology symptom The Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) , to evaluate locus of control Locus of Control Scale and finally to evaluate self-construals Self Scale in the Family Context are implemented.Data, being obtained from participants, were coded SPSS 18 programme. Correlation, ANOVA and regression analyses were implemented. In consequence of the conducted analyses, it was observed that there was a negative correlation between perceived parental acceptance and level of psychopathology. And also it was seen that there was a positive correlation between perceived parental rejection and l