Güçlendirme Yaklaşımı Çerçevesinde: Metamfetamin Kullanım Bozukluğuna Sahip Çocuğu Bulunan Anne ve Babaların Karşılaştıkları Güçlükler, Baş Etme Stratejileri ve Hizmet Beklentileri
Addiction is a public health problem with biopsychosocial causes and consequences that have been
explained with various definitions from past to present. As much as substance use disorder affects the
individual, it also has effects on his/her immediate environment, mother and father. The aim of this study
is to explore the difficulties that mothers and fathers of children with methamphetamine use disorder
encounter due to the addiction process within the framework of the empowerment approach and to reveal
their coping strategies and service expectations. The subjects of the study consist of mothers and fathers
with methamphetamine use disorder and whose children are over the age of 18. In this study designed with
a qualitative research design, the subjects were reached with the purposeful sampling method. In this
direction, 22 subjects were interviewed at Yeşilay Counseling Centers located in Ankara. Semi-structured
interview forms were used in the interviews and data were obtained through in-depth interviews. The
obtained data were analyzed thematically through the MAXQDA 24 program. The data obtained within the
scope of the research were collected under 3 main themes as “Difficulties Faced by Mothers and Fathers of
Children with Methamphetamine Use Disorder”, “Needs and Expectations of Mothers and Fathers of
Children with Methamphetamine Use Disorder Regarding the Services Provided” and “Coping Strategies
of Mothers and Fathers of Children with Methamphetamine Use Disorder”. In this context, it was concluded
that mothers and fathers had difficulty in making sense of the process, encountered difficulties in
psychological, economic and social dimensions and had needs regarding the services provided. The
subjects’ coping strategies against these difficulties were also evaluated. Suggestions were presented
regarding the obtained results.