Nadir Endemik Noccaea Rubescens (Schott & Kotschy Ex Boiss.) F.K.Mey. (Brassicaceae)’in Koruma Biyolojisi, Yayılış Haritalanması ve N. Sintenisii (Hausskn. Ex Bornm.) F.K.Mey. İle Filogenetik İlişkisi
Kocayiğit, Fevzi Renan
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Within the scope of this thesis, the distribution range, habitat, population size, and threat factors affecting the endemic species Noccaea rubescens, which is restricted to the Aladağlar and Bolkar Mountains in the Central Taurus Mountains, were assessed, and its IUCN threat category was discussed. In addition, Ecological Niche Modelling was conducted using bioclimatic variables to analyze past, present, and various future scenarios for this species and its morphologically similar relatives, N. bourgaei and N. sintenisii, to identify bioclimatically suitable areas across different time periods. These analyses provided insights into the biogeography and conservation biology of the species. Furthermore, a comparison of the three species based on morphological, molecular (both Sanger and next-generation RADSeq), and ecological parameters led to the conclusion that N. rubescens is a distinct species, while the other two are subspecies of a geographically separated species. Given that the name N. bourgaei has priority over N. sintenisii, the latter was reclassified as a subspecies of the former. Additionally, lectotypification of N. bourgaei was carried out as part of this thesis.