Türkiye, Finlandiya, İngiltere ve Şili'deki Okul Yöneticiliğine İlişkin Yaklaşımların İncelenmesi
The aim of the study is to investigate approaches to school administration in Turkey and to the school leadership in Finland, England and Chile and to develop a hybrid school management approach to improving school administration in Turkey. In the scope of the study, it was discussed how the approaches and practices of school administrations in Turkey should be and should be taken into account, under the comparative education principles. In the study, the term "school administration" is used for Turkey while the term "school leadership" is used for Finland, England and Chile. In Finland, England and Chile, school leadership selection, appointment and training policies and practices have been examined and relational scanning has been carried out, suggesting policies and approaches to selecting, appointing and raising school administrators that may be appropriate for Turkey. The goal of stating a hybrid school administration approach is to compare the school leadership approaches of Finland, England and Chile to school administration in Turkey. It is aimed to discover a different or blended kind of school administration that would be appropriate for Turkey, or that would arise from studying different applications.
It is expected that school leaders will have a higher academic education and teaching skills in Finland. In addition to this, candidates wishing to become school leaders are required to certify training or training they receive on administrative experience on education.
According to the findings of the research, school leadership in England is a very important concept. The National Vocational Qualifications Authority, which operates in the country, is conducting studies to encourage school principals to be school leaders. The Leadership Program for School Principals (LPSH) has been prepared in England and the National College for School Leadership is also in charge of raising school leaders.
It is known that the drastic education reforms in Chile and the deep rooted changes in country's management are experienced. In Chile, the School Leadership Framework Program has started to be implemented and the professional definition of the school leadership has been made, and the tasks and responsibilities have been specified. The country has aimed at achieving a common school leadership standard for Chile; for 15 different regions. Having implemented a program to train school administrators, Chile has created an organization under the name of the Leadership and Development Team Program, which has enabled the Framework Program for Good School Leadership.
In Turkey, the notion of school leadership is replaced by the concept of school administrator. According to the result of the written examination made by MEB, the Ministry of National Education, and ÖSYM, Measuring, Selection and Placement Center, the appointment of the director assistant and assistant principal shall be made according to the evaluation and oral exam results. Candidates who are successful in the written examination are assigned according to scores they get in the test by taking their preferences into account. No training, courses or documents related to school leadership and administration are required prior to the exam. Only high scores are required from the content of the exam being responsible. The training of school administrators in Turkey is carried out with in-service training plans organized every year by MEB (Ministry of National Education).
The Ministry of National Education, after the central selection examination, may train the successful candidates. Those who successfully complete the training may be subjected to another training and screening system consisting of various modules. As in England, the characteristics of school administrators can be defined. The job description may not be sufficient, but a definition can be made with the leadership and managerial attributes required for school management. By moving away from centralist understanding, flexibility can be provided to take measures in accordance with the needs of school administrators, schools and stakeholders instead of fulfilling the legal-administrative and centralized requirements. School administrators in Turkey, can be both provided with up-to-date, effective leadership, supervision, self-efficacy trainings and valid trainings as well as management, and communication issues. Modular and long-term training can be planned, for instance, the module following the other module. School administration trainings and training policies can be realized by distance education.
Supervision can be made more effective and school leadership skills of the school administrators' can be improved by applying requirement-based supervision rather than a standard supervision.