Entropi Kavramını Yapıbozum Sanat Yaklaşımı Üzerinden İncelenmesi
Every being in the universe has an end. Nature has given a time limit to every being in order to maintain this order. Decay, decay and extinction are the final stages of this given time limit. Decay, corruption, and extinction occur with the depletion of the energy of beings, while creating a disorder. Thermodynamics, on the other hand, is the science that uses the concept of entropy to indicate the disorder that occurs with depletion. An increase in energy is seen in entropy as a substance goes into disorder, and it is said to have a forward direction. While determining this increase, it is a thermodynamic concept that states that there is an amount of energy that cannot be converted into work as a result.
In the first chapter, the concept of entropy is examined and the time relationship is discussed. Entropy is one of the laws of thermodynamics. The increase in entropy that progresses with time flows forward under all conditions. This happens in a becoming, and the end of this becoming is corruption. Closed and open systems continue to exist in the process of time. Its disorder increases and deteriorates, and its existence in the universe ceases. Entropy is the method that measures the increase between order and disorder. The process of going from order to disorder has been examined through the concept of entropy.
In the third chapter, the artists who pioneered different art movements were selected and examined in the context of the subject. The common approach of the artists in question is to use the deconstruction technique, and their works are examined from an entropic point of view.
Finally, in the fourth chapter, artistic research and applications were made from the knowledge gained on the research of the concepts of entropy and deconstruction. These applications were examined and interpreted personally through the concepts of order, disorder, opposition and ultimate end in entropy.