Goethe ve Nazım Hikmet Yapıtlarında Metinlerarası Öğelerin Yazınsallaştırım Tarzı. Batı-Doğu Divanı ve Şeyh Bedreddin Destanı Örneklerinde Bir Açımlama
One of the main characteristics of literary works is that they are designed and created through the language that embodies the accumulation and diversity of all historical and social processes. Since the language is a dynamic and layered communication tool, literary works as its products are naturally in constant dialogue with other prior and contemporary works. This phenomenon, which is the basis of all literary and artistic productions, was described as "dialogism" by Mihail Baktin in the 20th century, defined by Julia Kristeva with the concept of "Intertextuality" in the following years, and then tried to be systematically explained by various theorists and researchers. Intertextuality can be defined simply as the concrete presence of a text in another text. This relation is deliberately established by the author of the text with various methods and techniques. Intertextual relations and interactions, which are a natural and inevitable result of literariness, are sometimes explained to readers by authors with paratexts or in-text explanations. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's West-Eastern Divan (West-östlicher Divan) and Nazım Hikmet's The Legend of Sheikh Bedreddin, the son of the Judge of Simavne are good samples of this situation. The poets of both works have brought to the attention of their readers all the historical and literary sources they used during the formation of their works. In this study, the intertextual relations established with the sources explained by the poets in the mentioned works were determined according to their categories; the semantic and functional transformations of the intertextual elements are revealed, and as a result, the similarities and differences between the re-literalization styles of the two poets are revealed in a comparative way.