Duygusal Emeğin Tükenmişlik, Depresif Belirtiler ve Çatışma Çözme Eğilimleri ile İlişkisi: Bu İlişkilerde Tükenme Duyarlığının Düzenleyici Rolü
In this study, the predictive effect of emotional labor strategies of participants working as hospital receptionists and information desk staff at hospitals on their burnout, depressive symptoms and conflict resolution tendencies was examined. Sample of the study consisted of 185 people. For the purposes of the study, Emotional Labor Scale, Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure, Beck Depression Inventory, Conflict Resolution Scale and Depletion Sensitivity Scale which has been translated into Turkish in this study, was used. Results showed that there is statistically significant positive relationship between surface acting and burnout and depressive symptoms whereas there is significant negative relationship between surface acting and conflict resolution. On the other hand, there was no significant relationship between deep acting and burnout, depressive symptoms, and conflict resolution. In addition, the moderator role of depletion sensitivity, which is a concept proposed based of The Strength Model of Self-Control, was tested. Results of the moderation analysis indicated that depletion sensitivity has statistically significant moderator role on deep acting-burnout relationship. Also, depletion sensitivity has marginally significant moderator effect on the relationship between surface acting and depressive symptoms. Moderator effects were close to significance only for surface acting-depressive symptoms relationship among the relationships for surface acting. Also, there was significant moderation of depletion sensitivity on the relationship between deep acting and burnout. Mentioned relationships were examined for all dimensions of burnout and conflict resolution and discussed in the light of literature findings. As a result of the study, important evidence was reached to clarify the complex findings about the deep acting-burnout relationship in the literature. Also, information about the emotional labor strategies of a non-studied group and the psychological problems caused by these strategies were also obtained. The importance and clinical implications of the research as well as the limitations of current research and suggestions for future research were emphasized.