Hidrojenlendirilmiş Nanaokristal Silisyum Örneklerin Üretimi ile Eletronik ve Optik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) and microcrystalline silicon (c-Si:H) thin film samples have been produced on glass and crystalline silicon wafer substrates by using highly diluted silane gas (SiH4) with hydrogen (H2) in a RF-PECVD system operating at 13,56MHz. Two different set of samples have been prepared at vacuum chamber pressures of 200 and 1900 mTorr and at substrate temperatures of 300 and 150C. Most of the samples were deposited at these conditions by varying RF power within the range of 10 - 30 W and H2 dilution rate between 85 - 90%. To adjust the H2 dilution rate, the flow rate of H2 was kept constant at 100 sccm and SiH4 flow rate were changed within the range of 1 and 17 sccm.To characterize the thin film samples, we used the experimental techniques mainly Raman scattering, optical transmission, temperature dependent dark conductivity, constant photocurrent method.