The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of deliberate rumination between core belief disruption and posttraumatic growth in adults with death-related loss and the moderator role of self-compassion in the relationship between core belief disruption and deliberate rumination. In addition, the relationships among grief conditions from demographic information form and complicated grief and posttraumatic growth were researched. The sample of the study consisted of 475 participants over the age of 18 who live in Turkey and have a death-related loss. Demographic Information Form, Post Traumatic Growth Inventory, Core Beliefs Inventory, Event-Related Rumination Inventory, Self-Compassion Scale and Inventory of Complicated Grief-Revised were administered to the participants. IBM SPSS 18.0 program and PROCESS extension of Hayes (2018) were used. Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation, One Way Multifactor Variance (MANOVA), Basic Mediator Analysis, Moderated Mediation Analysis and Independent Samples T Test were carried out to evaluate the data obtained. As a result of the mediating variable analysis, it was found that deliberate rumination, played mediating role in the relationship between core belief disruption and post-traumatic growth. As a result of moderated mediation analysis, it was determined that self-compassion has a moderated mediation role of the indirect effect between the core beliefs disruption and posttraumatic growth and deliberate rumination. Also, it was found that there was a low level of positive and significant relationship between posttraumatic growth and complicated grief.
Posttraumatic growth and complicated grief have been found to be associated with some demographic and loss experience characteristics. Finally, a subsample was created for adults with potential for traumatic loss in the study and some analyzes were repeated. The findings of the study were discussed within the current literature, the clinical implications and limitations of the study were evaluated, and recommendations for future research were presented.
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